Project Share applications are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis by The Salvation Army Project Share 代表.
皇冠现金盘公司, 其母公司, 子公司, 子公司, 董事, 军官, 员工, 代理, 代表, 也不是它的继承者和受让人, 作出任何保证, 明示或暗示, or assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, 建议, 或是皇冠现金盘公司的支持, 其母公司, 子公司, 子公司, 军官, 员工, 或者它的承包商
hg8868皇冠下载 makes no representation and assumes no liability with respect to any aspect of any choice of recipients pursuant to the Program, and expressly disclaims any such representation, 保证或责任. 客户同意赔偿, 捍卫, reimburse and hold harmless hg8868皇冠下载 其母公司, 子公司, 子公司, 董事, 军官, 员工, 代理, 代表, 各自的继承人和受让人, 从, 支持和反对任何索赔, 要求, 损失, 损害赔偿, 费用, and liabilities of any kind incurred by third parties arising out of, 或与本计划有关的.
Applicant agrees to indemnify hg8868皇冠下载, 其母公司, 子公司, 子公司, 董事, 军官, 员工, 代理, 代表, 各自的继承人和受让人 against all loss, 损害, 费用, and liability arising 从 any assistance associated with this program.