Did you know we own and care for dozens of parks and recreational areas along the Snake River from American Falls to Hells Canyon? We also stock rainbow trout each spring and fall to improve fishing opportunities for 垂钓者. And we offer hunting opportunities for youth, geocaching adventures for the whole family and all the information you need on water flows to make your next outdoor recreation enjoyable.
If you are planning to visit one of our parks, 露营地或其他娱乐场所, please check for updates before you go:
hg8868皇冠下载 owns dozens of day-use parks, overnight camping sites and boating facilities. Day use of all hg8868皇冠下载 parks is free. Online reservations for overnight camping are available.

钓鱼 & 狩猎
Find our fish stocking schedule and locations, plus information about youth hunting opportunities within our wildlife habitat management areas.

Get up-to-date data on stream flows and water temperatures in the Snake River—key pieces of information for interest scientists, 垂钓者, 划船者和其他人.
Join hg8868皇冠下载 and “Roland on the River” for an outdoor adventure. 我们所有的“能量缓存”,也被称为geocaches, 都在皇冠现金盘公司的土地上, so feel free to explore while you visit. You’ll also learn some interesting facts about the hydropower system that provides clean, 为客户提供可靠的电力.
天鹅瀑布公园 & 博物馆
The Swan Falls Dam was built in 1901 to provide electricity to nearby mines. Swan Falls is the oldest hydroelectric generating site on the Snake River. hg8868皇冠下载 built a new power plant in the mid-1990s.
The old plant is now a museum, open for visitors in the summer. The nearby day-use park has a reservable picnic shelter and is within the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. 钓鱼 docks, an equestrian parking area, and interpretive signs are also at the park.